Sunday, November 2, 2008

Celtic Fest Jackson, Tn

Yesterday was the Celtic Fest in Jackson, TN. For a small event, I had more fun than I thought I ever would. Lisa and I manned a tent for Clan Barclay. We actually had one person come up and say that his great, great, great grandmother was a Barclay from East Tennessee. We had lots of other visitors asking questions about their family names. Some I could help and others I could not.

There were only six or seven clans with tents, so those that were there were really busy. They had several vendors. Mostly local craftsmen, but there was one or two Scottish vendors. I didn't see anything new so I didn't purchase anything. I wasn't able to get down to listen to the entertainment, but I could hear them from the tent, especially Need Fire. There was another local group called Will Tell. They supposedly have a young girl in the group who is very musically talented. She plays several instruments with perfection.

I also got to meet some people from the internet forum A great bunch of guys. Most of them were from Memphis. But one came from Dickson, TN and another from near Huntsville, AL.

This was my last festival for the year. I'm already looking forward to next year. Making a list of new books to buy for the tent.

Until then I will fill my blog with projects or research or other interesting tidbits.

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